Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sleep talking......or singing

So, i heard about this cool app for my iPhone called Sleep Talk Recorder. Kyle and Jackie O were banging on about it being the number 1 app blah blah blah. No i was not listening to Kyle and Jackie O, i will not admit to that, totally not true. Anyway, i downloaded the app on Tuesday and tested it out on Tuesday night. You just turn it on and leave the phone on your bedside table and it records any noises it hears. Come the morning time, you can play it back but just the sound bites of noise minus all the silence.

I was really curious to find out if i still snore like i did when i was a kid, or, what the hell i am saying in my fits of sleep talking.

So, on the first night i trialed the sleep talk recorder, it just recorded me turning over or getting up for water etc. But oh the second night......last night i was belting out a little Lionel Ritchie about 1 hour into my sleep. It was only a couple of lines but i was really getting into it by the sound of it. Was very funny to be hearing that this morning.

I am now looking forward to listening to the recordings each morning now. Well worth the $1.19 investment i think.

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